Senator Orrin Hatch Says He Wrote Tax Provision At Center Of Corker Controversy

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, on Monday admitted he crafted a controversial tax provision, which could personally enrich Sen. Bob Corker, House Speaker Paul Ryan, President Donald Trump, and top Republican lawmakers directly overseeing the bill. The provision could additionally benefit the real estate industry — which has been one Hatch’s largest sources of campaign donations.

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2 Thoughts to “Senator Orrin Hatch Says He Wrote Tax Provision At Center Of Corker Controversy”

  1. Steve L.

    Senator Hatch and Senator Corker both should pause in their indignation and reflect on the anger AND lack of surprise from their constituents at finding out that once again the Senate is being used as a personal wealth generator for its members (Democrat & Republican). And before President Trump is dragged into this lets remember that the Senate has been pulling these tricks for many years and Trump cannot plug all the holes these elected officials have been drilling in our financial boat for those same many years. The real problem with Roy Moore was the perception he would not play ball with the fraternity in the Senate on these types of DIY wealth plans. He would represent his constituents. Just like President Trump is doing. It makes them nauseous just thinking that might happen in the Senate. Come next years elections we, the citizens of this country, need to send a strong message to the Senate: “Do your job or you go home in disgrace”.

  2. Sim

    What’s did all of the “Surprise” come from??

    Anybody with half a brain should know that tax bill is going to include more tax breaks for those writing it than the general public.
